Many groups of waterbirds in the Mediterranean basin have currently major conservation issues but are often poorly monitored and studied.
Mediterranean wetlands are breeding grounds for ducks, waders, gulls, flamingos, spoonbills, ibis, pelicans... but also major wintering areas and stop-over migration areas for dozens of species in transit between the Arctic, Northern Europe and sub-Saharan Africa.

The aim of this site is to help:
      • the creation and management of a network between Mediterranean partners involved in the conservation of waterbirds in the Mediterranean, whether professional or volunteer
      • to informe decision-makers and their awareness for the conservation of these species

This site is a collaborative platform allowing to exchange and disseminate information on waterbirds between the Mediterranean countries to help their conservation.
It aims also to raise awareness of conservation issues facing these species in the Mediterranean basin and promote conservation actions at the institutional, political and scientific level.

You will find in particularly in this site:
      • identification sheets of all waterbird species present in the region
      • information sheets on Mediterranean Ramasar sites of international importance
      • technical sheets for counting methods and for monitoring waterbirds
      • data system management allowing you to store and exchange data
      • Partners of this network and organisation working for the study and the protection of waterbirds
      • Bibliographic database
      • Survey report and Bulletin of the network

Support Program to waterbird monitoring and wetland conservation in the Mediterranean basin

This programme, initiated by Tour du Valat, ONCFS, Wetlands International, with the support of the French Ministry of Ecology, Sustainable Development and Energy and the MAVA Foundation aims to improve the spatial coverage and the overall quality of all waterbird monitoring in the region by:
      • creating synergies between existing national and international programmes
      • developing tools for exchange between local, national and international actors
      • strengthening national networks of observers
      • completing inventories of wetlands of national and international importance

If you participate in monitoring of waterbirds in the Mediterranean region and want to take advantage of regional dynamics, contact us and contribute to this programme!

©2010-2025 - Tour du Valat - Research institute for the conservation of Mediterranean wetlands