Since 2017, the Mediterranean Waterbird Network (MWN) has been exchanging with other Mediterranean countries, in addition to the five historical North African partners (Morocco, Algeria, Tunisia, Libya and Egypt).
These new countries include France (LPO France), Spain (SEO BirdLife), Italy (ISPRA), Greece (HOS-BirdLife Greece), Turkey (ORC), but also Portugal, Albania, Serbia, Montenegro and Northern Macedonia.
Discussions with these new countries led to the development of a scientific poster presented at an international conference (EBBC, 2019) and a scientific paper reviewed in a scientific journal.
© Julien Birard
Summary reports on International Waterbird Census (2009-2018)
This dialogue between countries also led to the creation of summary reports on the status of waterbird counts in 10 of the countries actively participating in the MWN.
You can read all the different reports produced, syntheses of the International Waterbird Census (IWCs) realised between 2009 and 2018, which include: the introduction and the general synthesis chapter on the data of the 10 countries, as well as the 10 chapters specific to each country (France, Spain, Italy, Greece, Turkey, Egypt, Libya, Tunisia, Algeria et Morocco).
All reports can also be downloaded from here.