In 2016, the regional workshop on the International Waterbird Census (IWC) in North Africa was held from the 2nd to the 4th of October in Arles, France.
It was organized in the framework of the regional support programme on IWC and wetland conservation in the Mediterranean initiated by the research centre of Tour du Valat, the French National Game and Wildlife Agency (ONCFS), Wetlands International (WI), the French Ministry of Ecology and MAVA Foundation. The workshop brought together the IWC national coordinators (or their representatives) of the five North African countries (Morocco, Algeria, Tunisia, Libya and Egypt).

Topics of the workshop and future perspectives

The workshop offered the opportunity to discuss several topics, in particular:
  • achievements of the Mediterranean Waterbirds Network (MWN) since the previous meeting in 2015;
  • status and changes of January IWC in each country;
  • progress on the submitted article and on the next scientific article to be produced;
  • progress on the Medwaterbirds online database;
  • the network’s data charter about terms and conditions for using and sharing IWC data, which was reviewd, finalised and accepted by all partners;
  • fund-raising possibilities.

For further information, read the report of the workshop.
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