In 2021, the Mediterranean Waterbirds Network (MWN) workshop took place on the 15th of September in Marais du Vigueirat, France.
Even though most participants joined remotely, the meeting brought together representatives from Egypt, Libya, Morocco and Tunisia, as well as from France, Greece, Italy, Macedonia, Montenegro, Netherlands, Portugal and Turkey. Representatives of Wetlands International (WI) were also present.

Topics of the workshop

During the meeting, several topics were discussed, including:
  • future analyses of waterbird population data at the scale of the RESSOURCE countries, the MWN countries and East-Atlantic flyway countries;
  • exchange of opinions on the report published by the MWN and suggestions for the next report;
  • discussion on AEWA national reports and how to facilitate the flow of information;
  • a proposal to list species that could benefit from a joint counting effort.

For further information, read the report of the workshop.
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